Recently in a certain contact program ,We were asked to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test.I will get to the result a little later but what struck me beyond anything else about this test was ,it was formulated by a mother-daughter duo.It puzzles me how they got any work done.Anyhow,the test was extremely boring with repetitive questions.I must confess ,if it wasn't for the company i had while doing the test, i would have dozed off.Believe me,i am capable of sleeping in any kind of atmosphere, which reminds me of a certain happening in school.
It was a Thursday afternoon just after break.I used to squeeze in badminton practice session in the lunch hour those days hence was always sleepy after that.Today,i wouldn't dream of doing it.How priority changes at different phases in life?Isn't it amazing?Yes,it is.
It was the chemistry class.I hated the subject like i hated nothing else,the teacher like i can hate no one ever and the cloud looming above me during the class was that of hatred,basically.I had absolutely no interest in what she had to say only because she knew nothing.To make a silent statement,unconsciously my eye lids would droop.To my utter amazement i later found out that she was okay with it and only because i did not irritate her by asking questions like i used to, in the beginning classes.Ah!How i miss those lovely sun-filled days in skirts sleeping on the first bench. :) Bliss....
The results of the test came out and i was shocked by the revelations.I had expected to be a ENFP type.
i was surprised when they said i am an INTJ.
On careful analysis of my own self ,i realized the test wasn't an exaggeration.Many of my characteristics are similar to the ones expected of a classic INTJ.Although,in the leaflet which i got, apart from the rest of the blurb the one that stands out to me is INTJ's are skeptical.I don't know how much of the others are true but this one's definitely right.I hate this particular aspect of my personality.I am extremely critical most times to most of my decisions.
I wasn't sure about the test when i took it but once i got my results it somehow made me look at it differently.Nut just the test but also at myself.I personally believe everybody must be put through the rigor ,if not for anything else but to make you a little more patient.
Here's to the mother-daughter duo and to the profs who helped me analyze the results.
cheers :)